Confused About Hot Water Systems? – Heat Pumps
When it comes to hot water systems, more and more people are confused about all the new technology coming out every year. This is a rapidly growing industry and the technology is evolving every day, so it is no surprise to us when people are left stumped regarding hot water systems.
Heat Pumps, are one of the most efficient and reliable systems on the market today, so here is a little guide for those that are just getting their heads around this ever evolving technology.
Heat Pumps
What is a Heat Pump?
Heat pumps are the latest technology in hot water products, heat-pump hot water systems use a refrigeration cycle to extract heat from the surrounding air. They then use a heat exchanger to heat water in an insulated storage cylinder.
These systems typically use around 60 to 75% less electricity than a conventional electric hot water system. This is because the electricity is used to operate the heat pump and doesn’t heat the water directly with an element.
These systems work in a similar way to reverse-cycle air conditioners when run on a heating cycle, but heat water instead of the air inside your home.
A heat-pump hot water system can be thought of as a type of solar water heater because the heat in the air ultimately comes from the sun. Unlike solar hot water systems, heat-pump systems don’t have an electric or gas boosting system. But they do use electricity to operate the evaporator fan and compressor when they’re heating water.
Rebates are now available for these new heat pumps, the state and federal government are incentivising customers to install these type of hot water units and remove outdated gas and electric hot water units.
There are many styles and brands of heat pumps ranging from top of the range to the base level unit, all receiving different rebates and performing on various levels.
Our advise to customers will always remain the same. Hot water purchases should only be doing this once every 15 years, make sure you get this decision right and get a premium product installed by professional experienced hot water installers.
We are an authorised retailer and part of the Victorian Energy Upgrade program, so for more information regarding the rebates please visit the Solar Vic site or call us for a free onsite quote or any additional information at 1300 130 755.
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